

Hello. These last few weeks were kind of a restart of my retexturing career. I thought I would use this time as a waiting period so I could make my final decision on what to do. After thinking long and hard, I still have not made a decision. I am basing my decision on several things, one of which being downloads. Honestly, downloads for my retextures are rather skimpy. To those that did download them, I love you to death. But less than 20 downloads for an item? I am starting to feel that people don't appreciate my work like in the past. Not to toot my own horn, but before the "fall from grace" if you will, I had 400+ downloads on each retexture. So you can probably see the difference there. I'm not one of those people that gets petty or bitchy when I don't get what I want, I really am quite reserved. I just find it a tad disappointing. I can't blame you for that either. I can't control what happens out there in the internet. Unfortunately after a prolonged period of happiness, depression has reared its ugly head. My game isnt working, my life is in shambles (sort of) and I am losing hope. I am trying to hang on, and am doing better now, but that lingering sadness stays with me at all hours of the day and night.

So back to this... What should I do? I feel like no one likes this blog anymore, and that my presence is unnecessary here, what with the likes of Anubis, Metalmoose, or those others. I guess I am old news. I don't want to stop creating, I really don't. I just am not sure anymore. I not only create for myself, but I do it for you all. If I am unneeded here, why the hell should I stay? I cannot leave you all, I would be heartbroken. I am hoping I can get some answers soon. Love to all,

-Marie. x ♥


  1. I think that you need to do a complete reboot and take it slow. I will be honest with you since you seem to be having trouble. Your recent textures are not as good as your old ones. In my opinion I think that you should start with your old re-texture and revamp it from there if you want. /take a good look at your old textures and compare them to your new ones

    Old: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-t--70UKIYb0/T1kEFcNX_OI/AAAAAAAB5bg/JHQ-r7Rj8Eo/s1600/Screenshot-44.jpg

    New: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-_Vt_3PSDzIs/T9fwBDufFrI/AAAAAAAAB78/3VfQn93HHRM/s1600/Screenshot-14.jpg

    Personally I really liked the old ones better and think you would be better off reverting back to them or "updating them" with a new style. I hope this doesn't sound mean or anything :P Just stating my opinion and hope it helps you ♥ ♡♥ ♡

    1. Oh Kosmo.. I will love you forever.. :) You are so supportive, and you are always there to help.

      I agree with you entirely on that. I had a feeling in the back of my mind that that was the problem. NEVER AGAIN will I listen to anyone that tries to get me to change my textures. :P I will upload some new ones soon, and will show you the old me. :)

    2. Yay! I'm glad to help. :D

  2. For a start, I don't stay in the Sims 3 Community because I'm needed or un-needed lol And to be quite honest, nearly half of my creations were never downloaded. I stayed because I wanted to be a part of a community, and whilst a lot of my work was unappreciated and unwanted, there were times where I released something and people loved it. It's all about enjoying yourself and for me it was all about learning how gaming textures work and how to manipulate graphics, etc. It's also why I joined C-Styles, because they're a true community, and also why I don't request that Joe post up my creations anymore. Sure, I get more downloads, but so few people comment anymore because there's no anonymous option. Perhaps what you're really missing is the community spirit. Come down to C-Styles some more :)

    1. Well I can agree with you on that. :) As I have said before, I am a big people pleaser. I really only do things that make people happy. I know I need to be more independent, and try to be out there for me. I am really am missing the spirit. I am also really glad you commented, because I thought you were gone for good. :) lol. I would also love to come back to CStyles! Maybe soon?

  3. Also, you have more people following your blog than mine lol So what is that telling you? ;) :)

  4. I don't know how valuable my advice is since I'm the 'dick' who suggested you change your textures, but I'm just going to say that I would have ditched this community long ago if I wasn't doing it for me. You will continue to go in and out of style for forever and you can't let that get to you, the only thing that I could/can do is try to make sure I never stop teaching myself new things. Try to achieve something you thought impossible over and over until it becomes possible, and then the download count doesn't matter. Eventually even the dicks and trolls have to admit that you're bringing something to the table that they can't and never will, and even they will be downloading your stuff then.

    Do what you want and get really really good at it, and everyone will come around. Try to please everyone and you'll feel used.

  5. The Rose hair looks great in my game, to me that is the main thing. I've have tried so many clothing or hair that looks great online but terrible in game (at max texture setting). As for your old textures. I have so many hairs in my game, truthfully I don't know which are your old textures. Maybe it is the actual hair that you are doing. Everyone else also did newsea miles and Peggy 880. I asked for a rose hair and that other hair, the other person asked from xmassim. Perhaps you should look at Rose, Ulker, Raon and others that are ignored. Skysims always need help. But the main thing is if you are having fun and it brings you pleasure to do it and share it, just do it.

  6. Well cakey. I FREAKING LOVE YOU!!! I love reading your posts and I don't want you to be sad. I wish I could download more of your hairs but any sim thing downloaded from the internet crashes my game :(. Your hairs are works of art. Each one made specially with lots of care and attention, like baking cupcakes! I love your sight and please DO NOT STOP making the hair retextures.


  7. Thank you guys! :) Sometimes I lose my way.. But I am so glad I have you guys here to help me.

    Metalmoose, I do value your opinion, but you could have answered that person a tad nicer. ;)

  8. XD Ahahaha... I shoulda posted this yesterday... but... ugh it's been so hot where I am and I get very lazy...

    ANYWAYS... I love your hair and your posts, I'm a lurker... O.o Seriously, I'm surprised I'm replying all this time... LOL <.< I would down load your hairs but I'm not a Adjusted Shine person... Ahahahaha... makes you wonder why I'm here... LOL...

  9. Sooo Sorry!!! I've been so busy with finishing my courses and exams that I haven't been able to download any of my favourite creators cc! I especially love your Rose retextures since not many of them get retextured.

    My only problem is that there are SO many retextures for Peggy Hair...I want them all but they conflict! If your version will 100% not conflict with (for example) Lotus's, then I won't have to have coin toss to see who's retexture will be in my game.

    Love your work!!!


  10. Im really sorry you feel this way. But in all honesty, your retextures are my favourites. I DL' nubie's old things that you dont have, and im a hair addict. Your retextures really truly are what make the game for me. Please dont stop. I love you lol :P

    1. I will truly love you forever. This comment just totally made my week. ^_^

  11. I more like the new one. I think the problem is your upload photos preview, cuz honestly those make your retex looks bad. You need to change the hair color, especially not use white for the highlight. I like your retex, and sorry for the late post!!

    1. Alright then. Then give me some more suggestions. :P

      What colors... What other shit? TELL ME NAO

  12. I love, love, love, love all your retextures, they are the most best ones anywhere. I count on them because you fix up the originals so and make them gorgeous. I love all yours the best and would miss you terribly.
