
I'm Falling

I almost killed myself tonight. I can't do this anymore. Nobody likes my shit, and nobody likes me. I have to leave again. I can't be gone long. But I will most certainly be leaving. I can't take this shit anymore. So then goodbye.

xx Marie.


  1. WHAT?!? NO! There will always be some of us who like you! Why?! NO! NO!

    1. ...Sorry. I was kinda just freaking out there. I kinda didn't mean some things there... I meant we like you because you're unique. Please don't go. Or try to do another suicide attempt. Remember, it's just The Sims 3.

    2. ^^ I don't think its the game.

      Supposedely she has had a long history of this. She's always sort of been like this.

  2. Please don't do this to you. You may not know it but you're a wonderful person there ARE people who likes you and likes what you do, you just not see them. Listen, I don't know what you're going through right now but there's always solutions for everything, just remember that nothing last forever. believe me, i've been there. Just find somebody to talk to, there's always someone, you'll be fine, everything will be fine.

  3. Marie I'm sorry to hear to you are having trouble again. Don't think for a second that no one love's your work. I love your work! You are one of my favorite retexture artists for the sims 3. I think that you just need to take a break and get your life back together before starting back to simming again. The loss of your dad is still a fresh wound on your heart and you need to let it heal before you can get back to life as normal. Take things slow and take care of yourself first before you worry about the sims. :) I hope things get better for you over time.

  4. You know, It's just the game Sims 3. Don't take another suicide attempt. You don't know what there's way to more to life, don't let a game get over you. I know your better than this.

  5. Oh my goodness this is horrible. I love your work soo much. I check this blog like daily.

  6. What makes you think that Marie?

  7. I'm sorry that you are well.
    but it will pass ....

  8. Hope you feel better <3 you'll be welcome back

  9. Cakey I adore you! Your one of my role models! Please be safe! I love reading your tumblr and your hairs are the most realistic ones I've ever seen! The only reason the don't show up in any of my simmy posts is because my stupid mac only lets me download the sims 3 thingys instead of the packages! I hope your okay, get better because I love you! We Love you! Don't hurt yourself! Your to good of a person for it! What ever you think bad of yourself its not true! People make mistakes but please don't make the one that you can't take back. Things do get better! I of all people would know!

  10. Your work is amazing, and I really like the effort you've put into everything you do. I hope that you feel better, and will be all right. <3

  11. I just discovered your site today and I think some of your creations are truly amazing! Don't be sad about things that aren't worth it. You can see there's a lot of people who adore your work, and if I were you, I'd be proud of all this. Please, keep creating, I like your style (and I'm very picky!)very much and certainly will be following your site.
    Take a break, do things that make you smile. I hope you get better and continue making us happy with your work!! Hard feelings pass, you'll see.

  12. For Pete's sake.. stop calling attention to yourself...

  13. Dear Marie.

    I don't often download your retextures, I admit. And with me, I bet many others. Though, this doesn't mean what you create is bad. Everyone has different tastes, that's the way life is. Now, I've read about how bad things have been lately for you. This, however, doesn't mean you should give up on life. You may not realise it, but look at all those people above me (except for the anon) who commented on this post. Doesn't that ring a bell to yourself? You áre wanted in this community.

    Life can be tough sometimes, I know, but I strongly feel like you should get more confidence in yourself and if someone doesn't like what you've uploaded; So what!? You should just keep your head up high and don't give a damn. Who are they? If you love what you're doing and if it makes you happy, then why should you even care what another person thinks of it? Honestly, I thought you were that kind of person already.

    As for the suicide attempt; Don't do that ever again. It's sad and pathetic. Nobody likes to hear it and nobody ever says it. Am I rude to say it? Perhaps. Though, I do think you should know that suicide is the lowest thing you could do. It only says more about you and the weaknesses you carry in the mind, then the persons who made you even try.

    Now, I'm just a stranger to you and I doubt you even give a damn what I say, but;

    Get your shit together and step up for yourself.
    You are the only one who can.

    Much love,

  14. Umm... sorry what I'm about to say, but I'm not going to sugarcoat it.
    You DO have followers! People like your stuff! I may be wrong about this, but you might have another suicide attempt, because of what? THE SIMS? What kind of crap is that? That tells me... well... you are weak. Sorry, not sugarcoating it! We know that you are good at what you do! You CANNOT please everybody! Anubis has haters! Lotus has haters! There will always be somebody you can't please! Come back. Please.

    1. Uh, weak? WTF? She's not depressed because she feels under appreciated where her creations are concerned, she's depressed because of her other struggles. Feeling under appreciated for her creations is just one more bad thing added to all the other crap. And being depressed just makes every other problem so much bigger than it would be otherwise. You know, if you haven't got anything helpful to say, than you should refrain from airing your opinion until you know what the hell you're talking about!

  15. Just pull your shit together and get over somebody bashing your creations. If everybody has tried to commit suicide just because some anon bashed his/hers creations (or whatever they've made) nobody would have lived by now.

    1. From what she's said, it's not that. She doesn't usually care what people say about her. Its what they don't say. If they don't comment. If they don't download it. If they don't use it. She wants things to be used, and if they're not, then she's not happy.

      Plus, the whole suicide thing has nothing to do with the Sims. She has A LOT of other issues.

  16. You must be stupid for thinking that.
    You may start with making other Stuff, then Retextures.

  17. You do have followers - I place your things in my updates and folks do appreciate them.

  18. Dear Marie Antoinette,

    I feel bad because out of all the other hair retexts, I prefer yours the most. For every item of yours I download, I will promise to comment--you deserve recognition, and sometimes we all need to feel as if someone cares/appreciates what we do...


  19. I'm new to this blog but I felt I had to comment. Your life actually sounds kind of like mine; my mom and I didn't get along well AT ALL, I too lost my dad, and I too struggled with depression and having a desire to just end it all. The difference between us is that I'm in my forties now, and I can honestly say that whatever you're struggling with at the moment, well, it won't last forever. When you are at the bottom the only way to go is up. Sounds trite but it's true. Also, the old adage that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger is also true. You will get stronger, you will get better, and things will improve. You have your whole life ahead of you. You have a whole future to explore. You'll have your share of difficulties, but you'll have your share of joy too. You'll see. And as for the death of your dad, that's a huge blow. When it happened to me, it knocked me on my ass for a year. A year. That's how long it takes to get over something like that, by the way. A year. Give yourself a year to grieve and to adjust to the way life is now, and know that at the end of that year, you'll be able to smile again. Just hang in there. You're not alone and you are loved.

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  21. One more comment. You've been called sad, pathetic, weak, stupid, an attention whore (my phrasing), weak in the mind, you need more confidence, and you've been told twice to, "get your shit together." What, is all this supposed to be some form of tough love? Whatever. Look, being depressed and suicidal IS NOT A CHARACTER ISSUE! You are NOT any of the labels some of the posters here in their infinite wisdom saw fit to plaster on you. You. Are. Depressed. End of story. And guess what? Depression is a mood disorder. It is a medical problem that can be quite easily treated with proper medication. Depression is a SYMPTOM of a brain chemistry imbalance; an imbalance that can be brought on by stressful life problems. It is NOT a problem with who you are as a human being. You are not weak. You are struggling with something very real, and very difficult. The fact that you didn't end your life, and that you reached out and shared what you were going through actually showed great strength. My counsel to you, in addition to what I've already written in my other post, is to get help. Get on medication (An SSRI), and get counseling to help you build better coping skills. Surround yourself with supportive people and cut loose those who contribute absolutely nothing to your mental well being. That includes, of course, those who dwell in the vast wasteland that is the Internet, who have no problem saying online what they would never dare say to your face. You hang on tight to that strength you have, you hang on tight to those who love you the way you deserve to be loved, you get the help you need, and you'll be just fine. That's a promise.

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